Multiplying Fractions Fearlessly
I don’t know about you but when I tell my students that we will be working with fractions they will fall into two different mindsets FEAR or FEARLESSNESS! Our job is to show our students that fractions are not scary and they can be fun. But finding a way to show kids that multiplying fractions is not difficult can be a challenge sometimes.

Multiplying Fractions Basics
I really love teaching children how to multiply fractions! Crazy, right? I actually believe it is the easiest of the fraction operations there is to teach children. I always begin with a generalization. By teaching kids a general approach to all fraction operations you are empowering students to be FEARLESS instead of always being FEARFUL. Using a generalization allows students to see they can successfully multiply any fraction with confidence, and repeat the process with any set of fractions they could be given to solve.
Multiplying Fractions Using a Generalization

The generalization I teach my students is a/b multiplied by c/f. So (a multiplied by c) divided by (b multiplied by f). I use variables to illustrate that it doesn’t matter what the numbers are the process is always the same. By showing them it will work for any problem it eliminates the fear when the numbers are changed. Students often worry they won’t know what to do when the numbers are changed on them. By showing them the generalization first you are building fractions confidence. Now your students are ready to tackle any fraction multiplication problem that comes their way. So let’s get practicing.
Engage Students with Fraction Fun!
Now, to practice the fraction skill in a fun way! I don’t know about you, but my students always love a good game. I score major teacher bonus points if that game gets them up and moving around. Increasing student engagement will always lead to more active learning. Which, I find also helps students understanding and retention of the skill.
Multiplying Fractions Scoot!
In my 5th grade classroom, a good game of SCOOT is always a hit. The kids love to get up and move around and I love that we can move and practice our math skills too. If you’ve never played SCOOT it is really simple. Post task cards or problems around your classroom or hallway before class. Then give students a recording sheet to use as they travel around the room to answer questions. I usually give the kids a set amount of time to solve each problem and use a timer as a signal to move to the next problem. You could also allow your students to move freely around the room to answer as many questions as possible in a set amount of time.
I Have, Who Has Game
I Have, Who Has is another game my kids absolutely love! For this game, I pass out cards that read I have …, then a multiplication problem. The kids first begin by solving their problem on the card. Then we identify who has the start card. That student will read his or her problem aloud to the class. Everyone is listening to see if they have the product to that specific problem. If they do they will say “I have…, Who has …” we continue to play until we reach the child who has the end card. I promise you the kids will BEG to play this game!

Assessing Students Ability to Multiply Fractions
Now that all the FEAR has been turned into FEARLESSNESS with the help of generalizations and tons of fraction practice with fun games you are ready to see if your kids have mastered multiplying fractions. I always give my students standards-based assessments so that I can check for mastery of a specific skill or set of skills. You should include a variety of rigorous questions to check for mastery. I use a mix of word problems and multi-step problems and models.
I love a quick and easy to grade assessment that also gives my students extra test prep practice. We all know there are so many standards and so very little time. I’ve spent lots of time developing these multiple-choice assessments and here is the great news you don’t have to! Check out a previous blog post about the assessments or click on the image below to check them out in my teachers pay teachers store.